Tikal is located in the Department of Peten in Guatemala. It is about an eight (8) hour drive from Guatemala City. There are however, commercial flights that will take you in the morning and bring you back late in the afternoon (if you so choose). There are various types of accommodations for those who wish to visit Tikal. Inside the park you will find the Jungle Lodge, the Jaguar Inn and the Tikal Inn. There are various hotels outside the park and in nearby Flores. My recommendation, stay at the Westin Camino Real Tikal. Its only 33 kilometers from this major archeological site.
The size of Tikal is enormous by all comparisons. About sixteen square kilometers have been mapped, revealing over 3,000 separate constructions, pyramids, palaces, ceremonial platforms, ball courts and temples. You find mound after mound of yet uncovered buildings in this vast site. The pictures below attempt to give you an idea of the magnificence of this place.
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Webmaster: Bernie Velarde
This page was last updated: 01/25/2002